Erin Zhu


Surgeon, Associate Chief Physician






General Practice




Dr. Zhu specializes in diagnosis and treatment of general surgical diseases, such as acute abdomen, emergency trauma, surgical infection, etc. she has rich experience in aesthetic suture of surgical incision. She is good at the diagnosis and treatment of adult breast and thyroid diseases, mastering endoscopic techniques such as laparoscopy, choledochoscopy and colonoscopy, and skilled in relatively minimally invasive surgery. She is good at prenatal and post-natal breast care and breast feeding guidance, and be able to provide professional prenatal and post-natal breast care and breast feeding guidance for pregnant women.
Dr. Zhu graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine with the bachelor degree in 2002, majoring in Clinical Medicine. In 2016, she graduated from Tongji University School of Medicine with master degree. From 2011 to 2016, she studied under Yuezu Fan, a renowned expert in the hepatobiliary diseases. With over 20 years of clinical working experience, Dr. Zhu worked in Shanghai well-known public hospital and high-end private institution.&nbsp;</p>
Dr. Zhu was promoted to the chief physician in 2008 and the deputy chief physician in 2017. From 2011 to 2016, she studied with Professor Fan Yuezu, a famous national expert in hepatobiliary surgery. In 2017, she studied breast surgery in Shanghai First Maternal and Child Health Hospital. Joined Shanghai Meihua Women and Children’s Hospital in 2018. In 2022, she joined Shanghai United Family Hospital. Currently, she is the chief surgeon of Shanghai United Family Hospital.
Dr. Zhu has won many awards and honors, just like “Federal Medical Award” by Shanghai Second Medical University”, “Xuhui District Medical Technology Award”, “Xuhui District Outstanding Individual in Women’s Disease Screening”. Dr. Zhu conducted two scientific research projects by the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission. In the past few years, she has published five academic papers in the core journals at home and abroad, two of which are SCI papers. These papers are published in International Journal of Oncology, BMC Cancer, Surgical Research and New Technology, Journal of Colorectal & Anal Surgery, etc.

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