Tity Zhu


OBGYN Physician


Obstetrics & Gynecology




Areas of specialty:
Dr. Zhu is committed to diagnosis and treatment of obstetric complications,assistant delivery and cesarean section, endometrial diseease, cervical lesions, gynecological endocrine diseases such as PCOS and abnormal uterine bleeding, premature ovarian failure and so on.She is also familiar with preconception counseling ,termination of pregnancy, placing and removing of IUD.

Dr. Zhu studied clinical medicine from 2004 to 2011 at Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in obstetrics and gynecology. In 2013, Dr. Zhu completed standardized training for resident physicians at the International Peace Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and for more than ten years, she has been engaged in clinical work in obstetrics and gynecology wards and outpatient clinics, proficiently mastering the treatment and related surgeries from common gynecological diseases to critical obstetric diseases

Dr. Zhu has clinical practice experience for 13years. Before joining United Family Hospital, Dr. Zhu worked in clinical obstetrics and gynecology at the International Peace Maternal and Child Health Hospital and Fudan University Affiliated Minhang Hospital. She is skilled in managing obstetric complications, rescuing severe pregnant women, treating gynecological inflammation, menstrual disorders, and other diseases, as well as undergoing hysteroscopy, laparoscopy,birth-planning consultation, and termination of pregnancy.

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