Miki Liu


OBGYN Physician


Obstetrics & Gynecology




Areas of specialty:
Dr. Liu is committed to the diagnosis and treatment of prenatal care and antenatal examination, consultation,diagnosis and management of common complications of pregnancy,such as gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension and other diseases.As well as rich experience of Family planning,contraception cosultation.

Dr. Liu graduated in 2009 from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (formerly known as Shanghai Second Medical University) with a master’s degree in clinical medicine after completing a seven-year program in clinical medicine. In 2013, Dr. Liu Lumin completed the standardized training program for obstetrics and gynecology residents at Shanghai Tongren Hospital, obtained the qualification of attending physician, and rotated through various clinical departments, proficiently mastering the diagnosis and treatment of various obstetric and gynecological diseases, from pre-pregnancy and prenatal consultations to common gynecological diseases and family planning, contraceptive counsultation, and more.

Dr. Liu has 15 years of clinical experience. Before joining the Jing’an United Family Healthcare, Dr. Liu worked at Shanghai Tongren Hospital, where she specialized in the management of obstetric complications such as normal pregnancy and nature delivery, gestational hypertension, and gestational diabetes. She also has 7 years of experience in a well-konwn OB/GYN hospitals, recognizing the personalized needs of expectant mothers and providing humanistic care. In 2017, Dr. Liu completed an internship in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department (Critical Maternity Rescue Center) at the Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital. In addition to focusing on clinical obstetrics and gynecology, Dr. Liu has published academic articles in medical journals such as the . She holds GCP, ACLS, and BLS certificates.

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