Sunny YANG

Master’s degree in Surgery
Message to Patients:
Medicine is not only a cure, but also a transmission of warmth, and a miracle of every moment in life
Areas of Specialty:
Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of common and complex diseases in pediatric surgery and general surgery:
- Digestive system: pediatric hernia, hernia, gallstone disease in adults, hyoid cyst, branchial fistula, various pediatric acute abdomen; gastrointestinal malformation; cavernous degeneration of portal vein; choledochal cyst; congenital anorectal malformation, etc.
- Urology system: hydrocele, phimosis, occult penis, umbilical and urinary catheter fistula, hydronephrosis, hypospadias, etc.
- It has deeply studied portal hypertension, choledochal cyst, and biliary atresia, including laparoscopic surgery for congenital choledochal cyst, laparoscopic subtotal pancreatectomy, portal hypertension Rex surgery
Education Background:
Graduated from Guangzhou Medical University with a master’s degree in hepatobiliary surgery and liver transplantation
Working Experience:
Join the Jing’an District of Shanghai United Family Hospital in 2025 Previously, I worked in the Women and Children’s Medical Center affiliated to Guangzhou Medical University, and had many years of management experience in a large -scale tertiary hospitals.
Academic Achievement:
As the first author, he has published articles in the Chinese Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Clinical Pediatric Surgery, Journal of pediatric surgery, Frontiers in pediatrics, and Minimal Access Surgery
Honors, Awards and Professional Memberships:
- Standing member of Pediatric Minimally invasive Surgery Professional Committee of Guangdong Grassroots Medical Association
- Standing member of the Hepatobiliary Management and Rapid Rehabilitation Professional Committee of Guangdong Respiratory and Health Society
- Member of Guangdong province basic medicine vascular liver gallstones special committee
- Member of the Lingnan Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery Committee
- Member of the Guangdong Provincial Health Management Association